Incorporate your company in Dubai offshore with the help of Experts Business Service effortlessly and quickly.

It is often a simple procedure to set up an offshore company in Dubai. Setting up an offshore company in Dubai projects a good image of your company to all the stakeholders. It is a cost-effective procedure and you can enjoy exemption from corporate tax and accounting obligations. The documents of Dubai Company are bilingual and therefore it is recognized worldwide.

Some of the important documents required to set up your company in Dubai offshore for both individual and corporate shareholders are listed below:

1.Passport copy of each shareholder

2.Bank reference letter

3.CV of shareholders

4.Certificate of registration

5.Memorandum and articles of association

6.Board resolution statement

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Establish Your Offshore Business with Reliable Experts

Secure your financial future with an offshore business setup! Reliable Experts helps you create a cost-effective, tax-efficient structure with complete confidentiality. Enjoy zero corporate taxes, simplified regulations, and international market access. Partner with Reliable Experts to set up your offshore business seamlessly and grow globally!